How To Burn Under Your Tongue Using cannabis Tinctures

When one talks about tincture burns under the tongue, they are talking about the burning sensation that one gets from consuming cannabis. This is why many people are looking for a safe way to consume cannabis without getting any negative side-effects. One such safe method is to make use of tinctures. Tinctures are said to work by increasing the absorption rate of the active ingredient inside the cannabis.

In order to make a successful tincture for your own use: you will have to get your hands on high quality cannabis oil, sweetened with a little honey and tincture base. Put a few drops into your favorite cup of herbal tea and let it cool down for a bit. Now, you can drop the mixture into a clean glass vial and add one drop of sweetened water. Drop the tincture into this mixture and gently swirl it around inside the glass for a few minutes. You can then put it back into the tea. If you want the active ingredient inside the tincture to be as potent as possible, you might want to drop another couple of drops in there.

You should notice: that the amount of sweetened water dropped has drastically reduced from the original amount when you first made the mix. However, you do not need to change this too much because some of the taste of the tincture is still retained in the liquid. The next step is to add the tincture drops to your mouth while you are smoking a marijuana pipe. Do this continuously for at least 20 minutes. Then, you should notice that the burning sensation that you get from ingesting the cannabis is reduced.

After making your own homemade cannabis tincture: you may want to try to consume it with the help of an edible. Edibles that work perfectly for tincture include butterscotch, spearmint, peppermint and grapefruit. These flavors melt the capsaicin in the tincture and make your experience more pleasant. You should keep in mind that tincture cannot be mixed with other edibles, so you would have to consume one tincture only.

The last step is to wait at least thirty seconds before taking the tincture: This will ensure that the tincture has enough time to work properly. You can take the drops even when you are high or very drunk. However, you should not drink any alcohol near the time when you are going to take the cannabis tincture. Drinking alcohol can alter the action of the tincture and will not result in the same positive results. Also, it will affect the taste of the tincture, and the last thing that you want is to ingest a bitter tasting substance.

Tinctures are safe to use even: when you are pregnant and breastfeeding. It does not contain any artificial ingredients and has been used by many people for hundreds of years. In fact, ancient tribes used it to treat all kinds of illnesses.

If you are interested in trying this treatment, you should definitely check out the different varieties of cannabis tinctures available today.