How to Sneak Weed on a Plane

There are many people who don’t want to be caught by the law enforcement agencies for any reason. Because they have done something illegal or wrong, they might be facing consequences. If you are one of them then you must know that it is not possible to hide from the law enforcement agencies.

They can easily detect you if they have enough information.

So, what is the best way to hide from the law enforcement agencies?

It is not possible to hide from them, but we can try to avoid getting caught by them. In this post,

I am going to share with you some easy and effective ways to sneak weed on a plane:

1. Use a hidden compartment

You can use a small bag and put weed inside it. Then, you need to keep the bag on your body while you are sitting on the plane. If you are in a hurry then you can hide the weed in your luggage. But, if you are not in a hurry then you can take the risk and hide the weed in your luggage.

2. Use an empty seat

If you want to get away from law enforcement agencies then you can sit on an empty seat and wait for the flight to end. If you don’t have a choice then you can take the risk and sit on an empty seat.

3. Don’t drink alcohol

I am sure that you must have heard this tip before but I am mentioning it here again because it is very effective. Alcohol will make you sleepy and you will feel like you are drowsy. You won’t be able to concentrate and your brain will work slower than usual.

So, it is not a good idea to drink alcohol if you want to sneak weed on a plane.


So, these are some of the best ways to sneak weed on a plane. Don’t get caught by the law enforcement agencies.