Some harmful effects of smoking weed which include

Smoking marijuana can make you look younger than you are, but it is not a good habit for your health. If you want to stay away from all kinds of harm that may happen to your health, then it is better to quit smoking weed.

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug which means that it will affect your brain and body in a negative way. The most common effects are getting high, dizziness, memory loss and anxiety. It is a known fact that marijuana makes you look younger than you really are.

The most common effect of marijuana is making you look younger than you are. The best part is that if you have already started smoking weed, then you don’t have to worry about the effects.

There are some other harmful effects of smoking weed which include:

1. Increased appetite

Eating more is the worst thing that can happen to you, as you may feel hungry all the time and eat more than what is required for your body. You may also consume more food and drink which may lead to obesity.

2. Lack of sleep

As you smoke weed, it will make you feel lazy and tired, so you won’t be able to get proper sleep. It will also make you feel sluggish and drowsy, so you won’t be able to do anything in the day.

3. Depression

It is very common to feel depressed after smoking weed, as it will make you feel like you are not worthy of anything.

4. Anxiety

You will feel anxious and nervous while smoking weed, as it will make you forget your responsibilities.


If you want to stay away from all the harmful effects of marijuana, then quit smoking it as soon as possible. This will help you to stay fit and healthy.