What Does CBD Oil Make You Tired?

A popular question around CBD use is, “Does CBD oil make you relaxed?” In order for an answer to the question, “Does CBD oil make you relaxed,” it is critical first to understand exactly how CBD works. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many naturally occurring substances harvested from cannabis plants known to exert a wide range of health benefits, from an uplifting sense of well-being to the reduction of feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Medical studies have found that the chemical compounds in CBD are extremely useful in helping people feel better and recover from a wide variety of medical conditions. Even though CBD is not currently recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as a prescription drug, thousands of people suffer from ailments that could benefit from the healing power of CBD.

When used properly – CBD significantly reduces symptoms associated with serious medical illnesses, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, and MS.? While there are many different strains and types of cannabis, CBD is most effective when it is taken orally or sublingually. It may be even more beneficial, however, if CBD is combined with another botanical substance called GABA, which has been found to ease muscle spasms, muscle pain, and other body functions related to pain. Together, CBD and GABA make a powerful combination that allows people to experience improved sleep and better sleep patterns.

The reason why CBD oil – makes you feel more relaxed is because it contains anandamides. Anandamides are powerful natural sleep aids that may help regulate mood and appetite, which in turn helps to promote a good night’s rest. The most common anandamide in CBD is THC, which is responsible for the couch-potato sensation many people describe when they get sleepy. But other parts of CBD may help people fall asleep faster by relieving feelings of anxiety and tension, which can result in increased drowsiness some times.

While there have been no studies published – linking CBD with an increase in drowsiness, there are two conflicting studies out there that do point out a possible benefit. One study published in the Canadian Journal of Pharmacology, where lab rats were given high doses (5 mg/kg) of CBD, and found that the rats did not show any signs of impairment while they were being tested for maze performance. Another study published in the Journal of Medicinal Research found that lower doses of CBD caused an increase in locomotor activity, while the higher doses had the opposite effect. While this first study did not directly show a link between CBD and increased drowsiness, the second definitely does indicate that at higher doses, CBD may be a beneficial sleep aid. In addition, some research suggests that lower doses of CBD may actually help people fall asleep faster than higher doses.

The only way to know for sure – what impact lower doses of CBD might have on sleep quality is to give them to test subjects. Most people who choose to try out CBD oil as a sleep support do so because they want to treat insomnia. But because CBD is considered relatively safe (it has few side-effects), most doctors will not prescribe it for people who suffer from insomnia.

One thing that people sometimes worry about – when taking CBD is whether or not it is affecting brain chemistry, resulting in mood or appetite swings. However, there are no current studies looking at the issue of brain chemistry with CBD, so we cannot say for sure how it affects people will feel. But in general, the CBD does not seem to adversely affect anyone’s mood or appetite.

So although you might not feel tired right away when taking it, rest assured that the benefits of the CBD should be apparent within a few hours.