Why Is Weed Purple?

If you are a cannabis lover then you are aware of the fact that the plant is not always in white color. If you see it in green or blue then it means that the plant has been treated with chemicals. But, if you see it in purple color then it means that it has grown naturally without any chemical treatment.

If you want to know why is weed purple then you need to know some basic facts about the plant.

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis is one of the oldest and most widely used plants. It is a member of the Cannabaceae family and it is a flowering plant that grows in all parts of the world.

The cannabis plant is mainly used for its medicinal properties and it can be used for recreational purposes too. The plant contains cannabinoids which are chemical compounds that make it different from other plants.

What is THC?

THC is the most important chemical compound in the cannabis plant. It is also known as tetrahydrocannabinol and it is responsible for producing psychoactive effects on the human body.

The amount of THC that is present in cannabis will depend upon the type of the plant and also the area where it was grown. Some of the strains contain high levels of THC, but some of them contain low levels of THC.

Why is weed purple?

If you see the cannabis plant in purple color then it means that it has been grown naturally without any chemical treatment. When the plant grows naturally it contains a lot of chlorophyll and anthocyanins which give the plant its purple color.


I hope you liked this post about “Why is Weed Purple?”. If you are a cannabis lover then you know that there are various types of cannabis. Some of them have high THC level while some of them have low THC level. If you want to buy a high-quality cannabis then you must choose the strain that has high THC level.